Welcome to My Blog

What's up with you? If you're here I think you know what's up with me! Guess what? I re-started my blog, this time with the re-vamp of a makeup/lifestyle sort of theme. And I'm pretty exited about it, honestly I've been working on future posts for a couple weeks now, and I think ya'll are going to enjoy the posts I should have coming! So who exactly is journal of a dreamer, justnotmolly or @not_molly_19? Me of course! I'm a curly-haired, dreamer with a love of creating things. I love to read, write, do makeup, paint, and do pencil sketches. I'm homeschooled, and currently a freshmen in High School. I want to be a social worker after college. For now I'm focusing on school and trying out this whole blogging thing. I'm in several sports, my favorite of which is Basketball. As for other things, I think I've covered almost everything already. I hope you guys are as exited to see my content as I am to make it.
 So until next time, bye!
 (Waves from behind screen.)


  1. Hey guys! I hope you liked the post. Just to let y'all know, right now I'm planning on uploading Mondays and Thursdays. Thanks!


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